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Pool Management

Add Liquidity

In My share - Deposit section, enter the desired amount to add liquidity. You will not be charged extra for liquidity provision.

  • Deposit: Input the amount of your liquidity provision in USDC.

  • Balance: Your remaining USDC balance.

  • Receive: The amount of LP tokens to be received by you will be calculated based on the exchange rate.

  • Exchange Rate : how many LPs you get upon liquidity provision per USDC, or how many USDCs you receive upon removal per LP. Click switch to switch between the above ratio.

Exchangerate=Pool TVLLP Token CountExchange\, rate=\frac {Pool\ TVL} {LP\ Token\ Count}

Remove Liquidity

In My share - Withdrawal section, enter the desired amount to remove liquidity. You will be charged a service fee upon removal of liquidity.

  • Pool's Available Funds: Depends on each individual pool's capital utilization, and determines the max amount of withdrawal that can be made at the moment.

  • Service Fee: Fee charged upon deposit withdrawal.

    Service Fee=Removal×Base Rate + Profit×Profit RateService\ Fee = Removal\times Base\ Rate\ +\ Profit\times Profit\ Rate

Claim Rewards

Click Claim to claim rewards

  • My Value Locked : Total value of your LP positions in the pool.

MyValueLocked=TokenPrice×MyLPTokenCount=MyLPTokenCountTotalLPTokenCount×TVLMy\, Value\, Locked=Token\, Price\times My\, LP\, Token\, Count=\frac {My\, LP\, Token\, Count} {Total\, LP\, Token\, Count}\times TVL
  • PnL% : Profit and Loss Rate, profit and loss compared to net deposit.

PnL%=(MyValueLockedTotalDeposit1)×100%PnL\% =(\frac {My\, Value\, Locked} {Total\, Deposit}-1)\times 100\%
  • Estimated Rewards: an estimation of rewards to be claimed based on a weighted scoring system with factors like Maker Fees contributed and such.